
2 Day Auction - Thummel Real Estate & Auction LLC

Thummel Real Estate & Auction LLC

2 Day Auction

Sunday, May 4th, 2025 at 10:00 AM - Red Cloud, NE
- Tractor, Wagons, Anvils, Forges
👤︎ In Person

TRACTOR Ford 1300 diesel 4-wheel drive tractor w/77A loader 5’ bucket; 3 pt. 5’ mower; 3 pt. blade; log splitter w/gas engine on 2 wheels; Allis 712 Hydro riding lawn mower; Fairbanks Morse riding mower; pickup bed 2-wheel trailer WAGONS, ANVILS, FORGES, 2 high wheel wagons; wagon seats; single seat buggy; McCormick Deering walking plow; sod plow; 2 bottom walking plows; 5 stock drills (Superior, Van Brunt, American Seeder); Columbia planter; Wenzelmann wagon hoist; wheel barrow seeder; 10+ forges (1 is from Ft. Hays college); forge blowers; forge tools; 46” Wiley Russell 2 piece cone anvil; swedge block; 12 anvils (Wright; Trenton; Hay-Budden); Fairbanks Morris electric plant; 8 hp gas generator; 25+ well pumps; scale weights; metal John Deere corn sheller; John Deere 4216-C wood corn sheller; burr mill; DeLaval 18 cream separator; 6 Maytag engines; Maytag washing machine; copper kettle; cream separator; cast iron no. 2 bell; lightning rods; iron wheels; motor w/boiler; cistern pump & bases; post vises; stationary engines (IH LB, McDeering, IH LA, others); large pedal grinder; Town & Country coaster wagon; freight cart; sewing machine tables; Sinclair cream can; 16 drawer shop cabinet; drop front store cabinet w/drawers; oak pattern back office chair; drop front desks; 4 drawer store base cabinet; King topsy stove; brass bed; tables; stained glass window; porch posts; 3 floor safes; cider press; store displays; pedal grinders; Autolite cabinet; tool chests; sewing machine bases; cast iron steps; double wash tub; new old stock plow handles; post vices; iron wheel barrel carrier; cast iron sink; Hayes lid; cast iron Chicago Bridge & Iron plate; bicycles; hay forks; cast iron man hole covers; rake teeth; saddles; fans; Forney welder; bench grinder on stand; upright air compressor; car parts; intake manifolds; many other items. This is a large day also. NOTE: Jay was a very large collector. He has many of everything. On Saturday we will sell the small item, There are many items of everything. Sunday will be the large items. Plan on spending both days. JAY GILLETT ESTATE

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