
Public Auction - LG Auction Company

RUSSELL VOLLAN AUCTION SIGNS: 10’ Porcelain Mobiloil sign; Porcelain Mobiloil shield; Porcelain Associated Transport; Pennzoil; Texaco pump plates; Farm signs; Porcelain Postal Telegraph; De-Laval clock; Falls City Beer calendars; Other Falls City Beer items; Stickleys genetic giant; McCows shoe service (Nebraska City, NE); Small White Rose gasoline porcelain; School sign; White Rose gasoline pump top; Surge equipment; Exit; Camaro emblem; Coca-Cola; Cargill seed; Cargill seed clock; Earl May Dealer sign; Dekalb; Bud light board; O’s gold; Embro M; Kruger; Gates; Frey Hybrids; Moormans; Pag board ANTIQUES & MISC: 1875 Barnes pedal lathe; Craftsman/Atlas lathe; Rockola Jukebox; Zenith TV; Kitchen cabinets; Porcelain lamp shades; Primitive yard art; Stereos; LP’s; 45’s; DVDs; VHS; Assortment of oil cans; Furniture items; Assortment of power tools; Assortment of hand tools; Micrometers; Machinist tools; Couple beds; Couches; Chair; Shelves; Canopies; Tools; TV; Gaming system; Old photos; Post cards; Calendars; Books; Games; Clocks; Assortment of collector bottles; Advertising tin cans; Advertising boxes; Wooden blocks; Antique cans; Assortment of metal minnow buckets; Wooden pulleys; Metal Tune Up Center cabinet; Porch swing; Antique bikes; Tricycles; Antique scooter; Wooden sleds; Well pumps; Primitive wood cabinet; Havoline can; 5 gallon cans CAR & TRAILER: 1964 Ford Thunderbird w/390 4 barrel; 2014 12ft by 6ft enclosed trailer (yellow in color) AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Several other items to be found and not listed.

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