
Comic Book Online Auction - American Family Auctions

American Family Auctions

Comic Book Online Auction

Thursday, January 30th, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Topeka, KS
- This auction features comic books: graded; packaged;
old to new!!! Shipping is available within the U.S.
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Signed 9.8 graded batman detcetive comics #1000 May 1998 wizard comic April 1997 wizard comic August 1998 wizard comic June 1997 wizard comic Cover 2 of 2 1998 February 1997 wizard March 1997 wizard May 1997 wizard July 1997 wizard August 1997 wizard October 1997 wizard September 1997 wizard November 1997 wizard Jan 1998 wizard comic Feb 1998 wizard comic Mar 1998 wizard comic April 1998 wizard comic June 1998 wizard comic Sept 1998 wizard comic January 2002 wizard comic Feb 1987 conan comic June 1987 conan comic May 1987 conan comic 2009 batman battle of the cowl 3 dook set 1989 legion comic 1994 legion comic 1994 legion comic 1994 simpsons comic Feb 06 bulleteer comic Aug 1993 scarlett comic Mar 1994 bloodstrike comic Aug 1999 cy-gor comic Jan 1986 X factor comic Oct 1986 X-men comic Feb 1987 demon comic 1973 twilight zone comic 1972 weird war tales comic 2002 superman comic 1993 brigade comic 1988 marvel age comic 1988 marvel age comic 1990 marvel age comic 1993 spyke comic

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