
Estate Auction - Foundation Realty

Ceramic figurines, bookshelves, mixing bowls, bakeware, Pyrex, Corning ware, Corelle ware, bear figurine collection, miscellaneous nicknacks, basin and pitcher, table lamps, lamp end tables, mugs, glasses, plates, cookie jars, buffet, chairs, tables, encyclopedias, pictures & prints, frames, cedar chest, quilts, Afghans, blankets, trunk, bedroom furniture, mirrors, boxes and boxes of books, weights, clothing iron, Longaberger baskets, miscellaneous baskets, pots, pans, salad slicer, miscellaneous kitchen ware, clocks, miscellaneous hand tools, drills, wrenches, ratchets, soldering iron, padlocks, pliers, surge protectors/power strips, sockets, electric corded chain saws, vintage child’s wagon, table saw, shovels, potato fork, pruning shears, jumper cables, 220v extension cord, misc. extension cords, rakes, window scraper/brushes, Black & Decker versa pak tools, Johnson outboard boat motor (15hp), Canonsburg drip pottery plates & cups, a few pink depression pieces, some red glass, lots of cut glass, some possible crystal glass, salt & pepper shakers, McCall’s Printed Patterns cabinets (x3), ceramic dalmatian dogs, step ladder, holiday décor for many different holidays, jars, many more items not mentioned! The Melissa Hunt Estate

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